J Crew is FAC Radford’s children’s ministry.  Every Wednesday night at 7:00pm, J Crew meets for their worship service called Power Hour.  During this time, your children will learn about God in a safe and fun environment.  Each week when you drop your child off, you can rest assured that they are experiencing an age-appropriate service including music, teaching, and fun!

Wednesday nightS at 7:00pm

If you are a junior high, high school, or college student, we can’t wait to meet you!  No matter who you are or where you come from, you are welcome in our family.  Whether it's through fun events, worship services, or just hanging out, we know that we are better together. Join us each week as we grow in our relationship with God together.

every first Friday at 6:30pm

We are better together.  We invite you to connect with us through our Men’s and Ladies’ Ministries.  At our events, you will grow in your relationship with God, your relationship with others, and will gain strength from other like-minded individuals. Check out our schedule below:

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast: 2nd Saturday at 9:00am

Ladies’ Fellowship: 2nd Friday at 6:30pm

Prayer changes everything.  At FAC Radford, we encourage individuals to not only set aside time every day for personal devotion, but to engage in corporate prayer and worship as well.  Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”  Check out our corporate prayer schedule below.

1st AND 3rd Tuesday From 5:30pm-6:30pm

We believe that healthy things grow.  No matter where we are in our walk with God, we should always be growing. Studying the Bible and building relationships with other like-minded individuals are two ways to guarantee that we will grow in our faith!  If you are interested in a Bible study with a member of the FAC team, contact us today.