It is our mission to reach our city, families, and community with the gospel of Jesus Christ and also to provide a place of healing and restoration to individuals or families who may feel rejected, alone, broken, abused or hurt. It is further our mission to provide a place, where people may come together in unity, to create an atmosphere of powerful and exciting praise and worship, that will usher in the presence of God to minister to, equip and, empower those who desire to impact the Kingdom and grow closer to God.

FAC Radford exists so that those far from God can experience new life, be equipped for the journey, and be empowered to serve in the Kingdom of God. 

On a bright Sunday morning in January of 2013, a crowd of friends, family and supporters gathered with Pastor Joey Hall, as the First Apostolic Church of Radford celebrated their first service. Nestled inside of “Brenda's Bakery” in the heart of Radford, a new thing was taking a hold of the city that would impact the community at large. What better place to start introducing the “Bread of Life' to the local residents than from the cozy bakery setting.

In the short time that FAC of Radford has been present in the city, they have wasted no time in planting roots from which to grow a strong foundation of Apostolic faith. What started out from humble beginnings, with the blessings from God, they soon began to outgrow their current location and it was apparent that a larger space was needed. A perfect church building was for sale a block above the bakery, and although out of budget at that time, it was claimed in Jesus name!

The church was able to move just a block over from the bakery and renovate the building to provide a Sanctuary and a Sunday school room. This meant more people could attend and there was enough space for instruments, allowing authentic worship every Sunday, ushering in the presence of God. 

God was surely on the move in Radford, not least due to the church having a heart for serving and demonstrating the love of Jesus to the surrounding community. The church began to have more of a presence with Church yard sales, and a yearly Harvest Fest that is open to all, with free food, games and door prizes, along with open air worship and the Word of God.

Shortly after the dawning of a new year in 2016, with the theme, “Build for the King”, the growing pains were being felt again and it became necessary to look for a larger building. The church building that a little less than 2 years previously was claimed in the name of Jesus, became our current home base, where God opened a door that no man could shut. We transitioned to the 8,000 sq ft building on July 3rd 2016, where there is a large sanctuary, prayer room, nursery and multiple classrooms to house our ever expanding church family.

What is Apostolic?

To be “Apostolic” means to live, teach, preach & follow after the doctrine of the apostles and prophets according to the word of God. (Ephesians 2:19-22) First Apostolic Church of Radford is Apostolic in doctrine and Pentecostal in experience.

Why Apostolic?

The apostles, whom Jesus (God in flesh) hand-picked and chose personally received instruction from Him during His earthly ministry and was taught by Him how to build His church, and prepare his bride to be ready. They walked with Him daily and received revelation of who He was and what they were supposed to be doing. And as Jesus was preparing to leave this world, look to what He told the Apostles in Luke 24:46-49, and also in Acts 1:8. And that is exactly what they done. These men, being taught by God Himself in flesh (1 Timothy 3:16), went forward, beginning in the book of Acts, to build the church not through traditions, but being led by the Spirit of God in power and demonstration (Romans 8:14 & 1 Corinthians 2:4).  Peter who was one of the apostles, was given the keys to the kingdom by Jesus in Matthew 16:18-19 and after being filled with the Spirit of God in Acts chapter 2 stood up, having the other apostles with him, and preached the first church message of salvation (Acts 2:37-40) having been given those keys and trusted by God Himself to deliver it. These men then went on to preach Jesus everywhere they went and built the “Apostolic Church”. You can find this in the book of Acts, the “acts of the apostles”.  They went on to write the epistles which were letters to the churches they helped to build, to instruct them on how to live, being led by God to write what saith the word of the Lord. (2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)

The Apostles Doctrine

The Bible teaches that there is only one way, and that way was taught to the Apostles by Jesus and taught by the Apostles to the church. That same message is still alive and works today (Joel 2:28-29 & Acts 2:16-18) and is being preached at First Apostolic Church of Radford through the word of God. As a matter of fact, in several places it states that we would be accursed if we preach any other doctrine.

John 14:6-7, Ephesians 4:4-6, Acts 4:12, Galatians 1:9, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Timothy 1:3

FAC Radford is a Bible-based church. We look to the Word of God for beliefs and lifestyle choices. We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and is the ultimate authority on salvation and Christian living – 2 Timothy 3:15-17

We believe there is only one God. He has revealed Himself as Father (Creator), Son (Savior), and Holy Ghost (indwelling Spirit) – Deuteronomy 6:4, Ephesians 4:4-6, Colossians 2:9, 1 Timothy 3:16

We believe that everyone has sinned and needs salvation – Romans 3:23-25, 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9

We believe the Gospel is the good news of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We obey the Gospel by repentance (death to sin), water baptism in Jesus’ Name (burial), and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (resurrection) – 2 Thessalonians 1:8, I Peter 4:17, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Acts 2:4, 37-39, Romans 6:3-4

We believe as Christians we should love Jesus and others, live holy inwardly and outwardly, and worship God joyfully – Mark 12:28-31, 2 Corinthians 7:1, Hebrews 12:14

We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit; tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, and healing – Mark 16:15-18, Acts 5:16, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11